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Due to COVID-19, we propose to run MARBLE 2020 in online Zoom seminar format, returning to a physical event in Portugal in June 2021 for MARBLE 2021. The programme for MARBLE 2020 is a reduced one, consisting of presentations of peer-reviewed research papers only. Invited keynotes and tutorials for MARBLE 2020 will be carried over to MARBLE 2021.


Presentation time per paper: 20-25 minutes plus 5-10 mins of Q&A


Monday 24 August 2020 10h00 (BST/UTC+01:00)

Technical Session 1 (Incentives, Game Theory and Pricing):

Dominik Harz, Lewis Gudgeon, Rami Khalil and Alexei Zamyatin.

Promise: Leveraging Future Gains for Collateral Reduction (presentation slides)


Michael Zargham, Krzysztof Paruch and Jamsheed Shorish.

Economic Games as Estimators (presentation slides)


Dragos I. Ilie, Kostis Karantias and William J. Knottenbelt.

Bitcoin Crypto–Bounties for Quantum Capable Adversaries (presentation slides)


Cyril Grunspan and Ricardo Pérez-Marco.

Selfish Mining in Ethereum (presentation slides)


Sam Maximilian Werner, Paul Julian Pritz and Daniel Perez.

Step on the Gas? A Better Approach for Recommending the Ethereum Gas Price (presentation slides)


Monday 24 August 2020 14h00 (BST/UTC+01:00)

Technical Session 2 (Finance, Derivatives, Modelling and Applications):


Aikaterini Koutsouri, Michael Petch and William Knottenbelt.

Stress Testing Diversified Portfolios: The Case of the CoinShares Gold and Cryptoassets Index (presentation slides)


Kostis Karantias, Aggelos Kiayias and Dionysis Zindros.

Smart Contract Derivatives (presentation slides)


Toshiko Matsui and Lewis Gudgeon.

The Speculative (In)efficiency of the CME Bitcoin Futures Market (presentation slides)


Andreas Richardson and Jiahua Xu.

Carbon Trading with Blockchain (presentation slides)


Philip Nadler, Rossella Arcucci and Yike Guo.

An Econophysical Analysis of the Blockchain Ecosystem (presentation slides)


Monday 24 August 2020 16h30 (BST/UTC+01:00)

Conference closing session

MARBLE 2020 Programme Committee

  • John Breslin (National University of Ireland)

  • John Conley (Vanderbilt University)

  • Lewis Gudgeon (Imperial College London)

  • Mario Larangeira (IOHK)

  • Stefanos Leonardos (Singapore University of Technology and Design)

  • Robert Learney (Digital Catapult)

  • Pedro Moreno-Sanchez (TU Wein)

  • Catherine Mulligan (Fujitsu)

  • Mahesan Niranjan (University of Southampton)

  • Alexandre Pinto (Artos Systems)

  • Istvan Andras Seres (Eotvos Lorand University)

  • Nguyen Truong (Imperial College London)

  • Edgar Weippl (SBA Research - TU Wein)

  • Andreas Veneris (University of Toronto)

  • Sam Werner (Imperial College London)

  • Katinka Wolter (Freie Universitat Berlin)

  • Dionysis Zindros (University of Athens)

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